Reactions to a pandemic like the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) may differ from person to person but uncertainty creates fears and anxiety as our “survival brain” tries to keep us out of harm’s way – and at the same time overestimate threats (especially unfamiliar ones) and assume the worst.
10 tips for better sleep hygiene
The term sleep hygiene refers to the variety of different practices and habits that are necessary to have good night time sleep quality.
The importance of sleep on our overall health and wellbeing
The value of sleep is often underrated. While many of us suspect we don’t get enough sleep (and have good intentions to try to get more) there’s always that one more thing to do, or look at, before going to bed.
4 bonus benefits of workplace flu vaccination you didn’t expect
The obvious benefits of workplace flu vaccination for employers come directly from preventing flu infections in employees.
5 flu myths and how to bust them
The number one way to get the most out of your workplace flu vaccination program is to maximise participation. Informed employees who are comfortable with the vaccination program, and understand its benefits, are more likely to get involved.
7 ways to maximise uptake of workplace flu vaccination
From a business perspective, flu vaccination is a numbers game. The more people who are vaccinated – the better protected your employees and customers/clients, and ultimately, your business.
When is the right time to vaccinate against the flu?
No matter what month it is, getting vaccinated against flu is better than not getting vaccinated at all. However, getting timing of vaccination right can maximise the protection it provides.
Top 3 ways to stop the flu striking down your workforce
The flu season is inevitable. But watching your workers fall prey to it one-by-one doesn’t have to be. Here are 3 ways to prevent the spread of the flu in the workplace, and reduce its impact on your business.
Flu: The costly productivity killer
The flu is a miserable experience for anybody unfortunate enough to be struck down by it. And the pain of the flu can sap the life out of your business too.
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