highly stressed1
Over 25% of people in financial services report high stress levels, 50% ongoing—9% higher than the national average.
mental health issues2
Over 33% of financial services workers report mental health issues—one of the highest sectors in the country.
sitting for work3
With ‘sitting the new smoking’, Australian workers are at risk—and very much so in the financial services industry.

Assess – know your needs
We know financial services—so we first diagnose your workplace’s unique risks, analyse your past & current data, then plan for what’s next.
> Wellbeing360™
> Health Checks
> Functional Movement Screening

Prevent – take action
Pioneer workplace health, safety & wellbeing with tailored programs that protect your workers where they need it— & promote positive cultures.
> SafeSpine™, SafeMind
> Ergonomic Workplace Assessments
> Workplace Flu Vaccinations

Thrive – get real results.
Fewer injuries, peak performance, and return on investment—real outcomes for your people and optimised business performance.
> Mental Health Essentials
> Good Day Project™
> Vitality Hub
Next for your workforce.
Want to find out more? Book a 15-min chat with one of our
Client Partnership Managers to discuss what’s next for your business.
Partnering with our clients
on what’s next in workplace health.

“Our work with clients like Westpac and CBA is based on a deep understanding of the crucial financial services sector and its particular challenges”.
We work across industries — end-to-end, on-site
and off, wherever your people are.
1. https://www.investordaily.com.au/markets/44600-financial-services-employees-more-stressed-than-average-australians
2. https://probonoaustralia.com.au/news/2019/10/the-business-imperative-to-improve-mental-health/
3. https://www.safeworkaustralia.gov.au/sedentary